American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Aims and Scope

American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, an international journal publishes four times a year in print and electronic form. AJEAS is a peer reviewed technical journal publishes original research contributions and is an unparalleled resource for key advances in the field of engineering. Scope of the journal includes but not limited to applied physics and applied mathematics, automation and control, biomedical engineering, chemical engineering, civil engineering, computer engineering, computer science, data engineering and software engineering, earth and environmental engineering, electrical engineering, industrial engineering and operations research, information technology and informatics, materials science, measurement and metrology, mechanical engineering, medical physics, power engineering, signal processing and telecommunications.

Research ArticleOpen Access
Arju Bhattarai, HimLal Shrestha, Asim Timalsina, Sujan Bista, Kishor Rimal and Anushka Gyawali
American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2024, 155-168
Published: 22 August 2024
Research ArticleOpen Access
Sayed Amirhossein Hosseini Chaleshtori and Mohammad Alibabaei Shahraki
American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2024, 142-154
Published: 13 August 2024
Research ArticleOpen Access
Eduardo Flores and Tadeh Zirakian
American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2024, 136-141
Published: 21 July 2024
Research ArticleOpen Access
Fana Gebremedhin Gebremichael and Joao Fernando Chidamoio
American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2024, 126-135
Published: 1 July 2024
Review ArticleOpen Access
Lidong Wang, Reed Mosher and Patti Duett
American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2024, 116-125
Published: 12 June 2024