American Journal of Applied Sciences

Aims and Scope

The American Journal of Applied Sciences, a peer-reviewed, open-access international scientific journal, is dedicated to the monthly publication of superior research and review articles encompassing a variety of topics related to applied science - a discipline which makes vital contributions to technology development. A respectable source of current and relevant research. It is also found in over 300 academic libraries worldwide. A number of topics relevant to applied sciences are integrated; a selection of these includes applied engineering and mathematics, chemistry, environmental sciences, business, economics, physics, mathematics, statistics, geology, engineering physics and technology, environmental technology, computer science, and social sciences.

Research ArticleOpen Access
Lassané Ouédraogo, Lassané Ouédraogo, Aminata Pagnimdebsom Nacoulma, Moussa Compaoré, Naamwin-So-Bawfu Romaric Meda, Vincent Rouamba and Martin Kiendrebeogo
American Journal of Applied Sciences 2024, 57-66
Published: 9 September 2024
Review ArticleOpen Access
Anthony Emaru, Jane Gesimba Nyaanga and Saidi Mwanarusi
American Journal of Applied Sciences 2024, 1-14
Published: 12 July 2024
Research ArticleOpen Access
Raffaele Scafè, Marco Puccini, Rosanna Pellegrini and Roberto Pani
American Journal of Applied Sciences 2024, 28-40
Published: 10 July 2024
Research ArticleOpen Access
Apaloo Bara Komla Kpomonè, Palanga Eyouleki Tcheyi Gnadi, Bokovi Yao, Kuevidjen Dosseh and Nomenyo Komla
American Journal of Applied Sciences 2024, 15-27
Published: 10 June 2024
Research ArticleOpen Access
Marie-France Bakaï, Batcha Ouadja and Marie-Estelle Kipré-Naura
American Journal of Applied Sciences 2023, 76-83
Published: 31 January 2024