Research Article Open Access

Effect of the Biological Preparation Phytop 8.67 on the Quality and Yield of Rice in Saline Soils

Nurzhan Ybraikozha1, Asset Тоktamysov2, Elvira Sagindykova3, Laura Bissenova3, Elmira Eleuova1, Aliya Bugubaeva4,5, Almabek Nugmanov4, Gulzada Ekibaeva5,6, Vadim Chashkov4 and Assel Tokusheva4
  • 1 Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata, Kazakhstan
  • 2 Kazakh Research Institute оf Rice Growing named after I. Zhakhaev, Kazakhstan
  • 3 Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh. Yessenov, Kazakhstan
  • 4 A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University, Kazakhstan
  • 5 Faculty of Soil Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
  • 6 Department of Natural Sciences, Yessenov University, Kazakhstan


Phytop 8.67 is a modern biological multifunctional preparation that has a complex effect on cultivated plants, harmful organisms, and soil. The study aimed to evaluate the effect of the biological preparation Phytop 8.67 on increasing yields and improving the quality of rice grains. Rice of the Marzhan variety growing on meadow/marsh rice soils was studied. The use of phytop 8.67 proved to be an effective method of increasing the productivity of rice culture in saline soils of the Kazakhstan Aral Sea region. The productivity of rice with three-time uses in the phases of vegetation in the production experiment increased by 25-30% compared to the control variants. In the field, the biological preparation provided an increase in grain yield from 20.0-25.3 c/ha. The increase in rice yield was due to the improvement of the elements of the crop structure. Pre-sowing treatment of seed material contributed to an increase in seed germination and greater plant viability by the end of the growing season. In the tillering phase, the tilling capacity of rice increased up to 2.2 times, as well as the length and the number of grains per ear of the main panicle and the weight of grain from one plant.

OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 24 No. 1, 2024, 41-47


Submitted On: 2 March 2023 Published On: 3 November 2023

How to Cite: Ybraikozha, N., Тоktamysov, A., Sagindykova, E., Bissenova, L., Eleuova, E., Bugubaeva, A., Nugmanov, A., Ekibaeva, G., Chashkov, V. & Tokusheva, A. (2024). Effect of the Biological Preparation Phytop 8.67 on the Quality and Yield of Rice in Saline Soils. OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences, 24(1), 41-47.

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  • Biological Preparations
  • Phytop 8.67
  • Ammonium Sulfate
  • Vegetation Phases
  • Rice Yield
  • Crop Structure