Review Article Open Access

Strategies of Tuberculosis–HIV Vaccines Design using Immunoinformatic Approach

Ani Fatonah1, Ig. Satrio Wicaksono1 and Usman Sumo Friend Tambunan1
  • 1 Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Indonesia, 16424, Depok, Indonesia


Tuberculosis is amongst the highest cause death worldwide. According to WHO, an estimated of more than a million people fell ill with Tuberculosis (TB) in 2016. The resistances of the M. tuberculosis (MTb) bacteria make drugs, not that useful in battle with TB. Vaccination is a better choice to avoid the worst cases of TB. The resistance possessed by MTb bacteria with some of the drugs reported creates its challenge to reduce the high rate of TB related death. One of the concerns is the high mortality rate due to TB associated with HIV. However, there’s still no effective vaccine for Tuberculosis-Human Immunodeficiency Virus (TB-HIV). Vaccines for Tuberculosis-HIV even on the way of progress to get the demanding the mutation of the bacteria and challenging scientists to get the right vaccines for this disease. Immunoinformatic is one of the approaches that can speed up the making of the vaccine.

OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 19 No. 2, 2019, 110-116


Submitted On: 4 February 2019 Published On: 10 May 2019

How to Cite: Fatonah, A., Wicaksono, I. S. & Friend Tambunan, U. S. (2019). Strategies of Tuberculosis–HIV Vaccines Design using Immunoinformatic Approach. OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences, 19(2), 110-116.

  • 3 Citations



  • Tuberculosis
  • Human Immunodeficiency Virus
  • Vaccine
  • M. tuberculosis
  • Tuberculosis-Human Immunodeficiency Virus