Research Article Open Access

On the Security of the Sensor Cloud Security Library (SCSlib)

Mohamed Rasslan1, Mahmoud Nasreldin1, Ghada Elkabbany1 and Aya Elshobaky2
  • 1 Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Egypt
  • 2 Alexandria University, Egypt


Nowadays, cloud computing has experienced remarkable growth. Indeed, one of the main challenges of cloud computing is to protect data from different sensor devices during processing and storing. In 2014, Henze et al. proposed the Sensor Cloud Security library (SCSlib) which allows cloud developer to access encrypted sensor data stored in the cloud. SCSLib drawback is that it allows a dishonest referee, dealing with a dispute, to decrypt all the future and past authenticated cipher-text between parties. In this study, we proposed an improved scheme for the SCSlib that prevent the users of the library from such attacks. In addition, the proposed scheme fulfils the following security requirements: Integrity, authenticity, confidentiality and availability. Moreover, security analysis in the cloud-computing environment is presented.

Journal of Computer Science
Volume 14 No. 6, 2018, 793-803


Submitted On: 8 February 2018 Published On: 23 May 2018

How to Cite: Rasslan, M., Nasreldin, M., Elkabbany, G. & Elshobaky, A. (2018). On the Security of the Sensor Cloud Security Library (SCSlib). Journal of Computer Science, 14(6), 793-803.

  • 2 Citations



  • Cloud Computing
  • Sensor Networks
  • Sensor Cloud Security Library (SCSlib)
  • Integrity
  • Authenticity
  • Confidentiality