Research Article Open Access

A Secure Routing Protocol to Eliminate Integrity, Authentication and Sleep Deprivation Based Threats in Mobile Ad hoc Network

Edna Elizabeth Nallathambi, Radha Sankararajan, Vaithiyanathan Sundaram and Gracelin Sheeba


Problem statement: Network security in Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a major issue. Some of the attacks such as modification, impersonation, Time To Live (TTL) and sleep deprivation are due to misbehaviour of malicious nodes, which disrupts the transmission. Some of the existing security protocols such as ARAN, SAODV and SEAD are basically used to detect and eliminate one or two types of attacks. The major requirement of a secure protocol is to prevent and eliminate many attacks simultaneously which will make the MANETs more secured. Approach: We propose the algorithm that can prevent and also eliminate multiple attacks simultaneously, called MIST algorithm (Modification, Impersonation, Sleep deprivation and TTL attacks). This algorithm is written on Node Transition Probability (NTP) based protocol which provides maximum utilization of bandwidth during heavy traffic with less overhead. Thus this has been named MIST NTP. Results: The proposed MIST NTP has been compared with NTP without the MIST algorithm, Authenticated Routing for Ad hoc Networks (ARAN) and Ad hoc on Demand Distance Vector (AODV). Extensive packet level simulations show that MIST NTP produces around 10% less end to end delay than ARAN, it even drops 30% fewer packets compared to malicious NTP on an average and around 50-60% fewer packets compared to AODV during multiple attacks. Conclusion: The results ensure that MIST NTP can break the greatest security challenge prevailing in MANETs by securing the MANET against several attacks at once.

Journal of Computer Science
Volume 7 No. 6, 2011, 924-936


Submitted On: 30 March 2011 Published On: 14 June 2011

How to Cite: Nallathambi, E. E., Sankararajan, R., Sundaram, V. & Sheeba, G. (2011). A Secure Routing Protocol to Eliminate Integrity, Authentication and Sleep Deprivation Based Threats in Mobile Ad hoc Network. Journal of Computer Science, 7(6), 924-936.

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  • Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET)
  • Ad hoc on Demand Distance Vector (AODV)
  • Authenticated Routing for Ad hoc Networks (ARAN)
  • routing protocol
  • security cryptography
  • Flooding Attack Prevention (FAP)
  • Node Transition Probability (NTP)