Research Article Open Access

Skew Detection and Correction Technique for Arabic Document Images Based on Centre of Gravity

Atallah Mahmoud Al-Shatnawi and Khairuddin Omar


Problem statement: Skew detection and correction is the first step process in the document analysis and understanding processing steps. Correction the skewed scanned document image is very important, because it has a direct effect on the reliability and efficiency of the segmentation and feature extraction stages. The noises and the deviation in the document resolution or types are still the main two challenges facing the Arabic skew detection and correction methods. Approach: The proposed method work involved inscribing the text in the document by an arbitrary polygon and derivation of the baseline from polygon’s centroid. Results: The proposed method was implemented on 150 different scanned Arabic documents, from different sources like journals, textbooks, newspapers and the like in addition to handwritten document, with different resolutions and different fonts and it was obtained an accuracy ratio of 87%. Conclusion: The proposed method was efficient, simple and fast, it was not affected by noise and it was proved their suitability to work with documents with different fonts and documents with different resolutions.

Journal of Computer Science
Volume 5 No. 5, 2009, 363-368


Submitted On: 4 March 2009 Published On: 30 May 2009

How to Cite: Al-Shatnawi, A. M. & Omar, K. (2009). Skew Detection and Correction Technique for Arabic Document Images Based on Centre of Gravity . Journal of Computer Science, 5(5), 363-368.

  • 24 Citations



  • Arabic document
  • skew detection
  • skew correction
  • centre of gravity