Research Article Open Access

Performance Evaluation of Implementing Calls Prioritization with Different Queuing Disciplines in Mobile Wireless Networks

Salman A. AlQahtani and Nasser-Eddine Rikli


It is known that efficient call handling mechanisms can greatly improve cellular network performance. One way to improve system performance of cellular network is to use efficient handover schemes when users changes between cells. This paper focuses on the performance evaluation of originating and handover calls prioritization using different queue size and discipline. Both calls will be queued until they reach a certain threshold, or a channel becomes available. Higher priority will be given statically or dynamically to the handover calls based on different criteria. Tow different queuing policy known as minimum waiting time first out (MWFO) and first in first out (FIFO) are compared. In addition, the effect queue size on calls prioritization and system performance is studied. In this proposed scheme, we aim to decrease the probabilities of blocking and forced termination and increase the total carried traffic while improving the service quality.

Journal of Computer Science
Volume 2 No. 5, 2006, 466-472


Submitted On: 14 February 2006 Published On: 31 May 2006

How to Cite: AlQahtani, S. A. & Rikli, N. (2006). Performance Evaluation of Implementing Calls Prioritization with Different Queuing Disciplines in Mobile Wireless Networks. Journal of Computer Science, 2(5), 466-472.

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  • Call prioritization
  • mobile wireless
  • performance evaluation
  • quality of service
  • queuing discipline