Research Article Open Access

On the Problem of Stratigraphic Assignment of the Key Seismic Horizons on the East-Arctic Shelf and in the Area of Central Arctic Uplifts

Lidia Daragan-Sushchova1, Lyudmila Grinko1, Natalia Petrovskaya2 and Yuri Daragan-Sushchov3
  • 1 A.P. Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute, Russia
  • 2 Dalmorneftegeophysica, Russia
  • 3 FSUE VNIIOkeanologia Named After I.S. Gramberg, Russia


Modern geological and geophysical studies of Central Arctic uplifts area and East-Arctic Shelf has revealed the basic problems in stratigraphic subdivision of sedimentary cover. Basic approach for subdivision of Arctic Ocean sedimentary cover is based on the wave field's characteristics and tracing of regional seismic horizons. Their age identification still depends on general geological ideas. Different correlative models of seismic-stratigraphic units and their ages are given in this study for different Arctic regions. The following regions were selected for analyses: Cis-polar part of the Lomonosov Ridge and zone of its connection with the Amundsen and the Makarov basins, profile CDP A7, located in the transition zone of the Lomonosov Ridge, the Russian Shelf and the North-Chukchi shelf trough.

Current Research in Geoscience
Volume 5 No. 1, 2015, 1-11


Submitted On: 9 February 2015 Published On: 16 July 2015

How to Cite: Daragan-Sushchova, L., Grinko, L., Petrovskaya, N. & Daragan-Sushchov, Y. (2015). On the Problem of Stratigraphic Assignment of the Key Seismic Horizons on the East-Arctic Shelf and in the Area of Central Arctic Uplifts. Current Research in Geoscience, 5(1), 1-11.

  • 3 Citations



  • Arctic Ocean
  • Seismic Reflection Method Common Midpoint (CDP)
  • Age of Seismic-Stratigraphic Units